What do Consulting Engineers do?
Consulting engineers are licensed professionals with diverse qualifications, including civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, environmental, geotechnical, chemical, industrial, and agricultural disciplines.
In consulting engineering practices, teams of knowledgeable experts can fill many distinctive educational and technical roles that can help to solve or prevent any problems. Consulting engineers may design an entire project, or they might be responsible for only one component of the design, depending on the need. Their support can be provided throughout the whole process, from inception to completion, to facilitate the best solutions.
Consulting engineers bring innovative, quality design that can have a positive impact on construction, operation, and maintenance expenses. Whether in preparation of a new design or the rehabilitation of an existing infrastructure, consulting engineers can make the end product much simpler and more cost effective to achieve.
The services provided by a Consulting Engineer may be classified under one or more of the following categories.
- Pre‐feasibility Studies
- Feasibility Studies
- Detail Engineering Design and Preparation of Tender Documents
- Procurement
- Construction Supervision and Contract Administration
- Project Management
- Technical Services
- Dispute Review Services
Selecting a consulting engineer is the most important decision a client makes. The success of any project often depends on obtaining the most able, experienced, and reputable expertise.
ACEM is affiliated with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) which sets the international standard expected of consulting practices. ACEM in turn sets standards expected of their members based on international best practice. The qualification and experience requirements and Code of Conduct expected of member firms helps to maintain a high standard of integrity and quality within the firms which is in the interest of both the clients and the public
What is FIDIC?
FIDIC is the French language acronym for Fédération Internationale Des Ingénieurs-Conseils, which means the International Federation of Consulting Engineers. FIDIC is a global body representing national associations of consulting engineers (such as ACEM) whose members comply with FIDIC’s code on professional status, independence and competence.
Founded in 1913 to promote common professional interests, FIDIC now represents over one million engineering professionals and 40,000 firms in more than 100 countries worldwide. The building and infrastructure sectors in which FIDIC members work contribute around US$36trillion to global GDP.
FIDIC plays a significant role in the development and industrialisation of less developed and developing countries. FIDIC actively encourages the capacity development of the consulting engineering profession through offering support and training on the FIDIC suite of documents and how to run consulting engineering practices. Much practical assistance is provided to developing countries by the member associations of industrialised countries.