The Association of Consulting Engineers of Malawi (ACEM), founded in 2012, brings together companies and firms that provide consulting engineering services in Malawi. Through this association members can interact and advance their interests. Government institutions and the private sector are able to solicit views of consulting engineers in terms of infrastructure delivery and enhancing national development.
ACEM now comprises 50 member firms, employing over 200 people in Malawi. ACEM is affiliated with the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)
To Be The Voice Of Consulting Engineering Industry In Malawi
To promote professionalism in engineering consulting, develop and support consulting practices and continuously engage stakeholders and developers on development imperatives and the value of appointing recognised consulting professionals.
The objectives of the Association are, among others:
- To establish a standard for the conduct of Consulting Engineers in Malawi
- To promote the advancement of the profession of Consulting Engineers
- To afford Members the opportunity to engage to their mutual benefit
- To promote the professional interest, rights, powers, and privileges of Consulting Engineers
- To engage with manufacturers, contractors and other engaged in engineering works on matters of common interests
- To share views with the legislature, public bodies and other facilities on best practices in Consulting Engineering
- To serve the public in terms of engineering service delivery
The affairs of the Association are managed by a Council which is required to consist of not less than five (5) and not more than eleven (11) members. Council members are elected annually at the Annual General meeting. The current Council members were inaugurated in January 2021.
Meet the Council
BM Headshot
Code of Conduct
- Every member shall in all professional matters act as a faithful agent and trustee for his clients and his charges to such clients shall constitute his only remuneration in connection with his work.
- No member shall accept any trade commission, discount, allowance or indirect payment or other consideration in connection with any professional work on which he is engaged.
- No member shall, without disclosing the fact in writing to his client be a shareholder in or have a financial interest in any company, firm or person carrying on any contracting or manufacturing business which might influence his professional advice to the client.
- No member shall receive directly or indirectly and royalty on or any gratuity or commission in respect of any patented or protected article process used on or for the purpose of the work in respect of which he is acting for a client unless and until such royalty, gratuity or commission has been authorised in writing by such client.
- No member shall be the medium of payments made on his clients’ behalf (unless specifically so requested in writing by his client) but shall only issue certificates for payment.
- No member shall place orders on his own behalf through a project of which he is a consultant but shall only do so explicitly on behalf of his clients.
- No member shall solicit professional work either directly or indirectly by paying commission or otherwise, to any person who may introduce clients to him.
- Members may advertise directly or indirectly in a manner acceptable to members PROVIDED THAT the advert is NOT injurious to other members of the association;
- No member shall attempt, directly or indirectly, to supplant another member nor shall he review or take over work of another member acting as a Consulting Engineer for the same client, until he has either obtained the consent of such member or has been formally notified by the client that the connection of such member with the work has been terminated.
- No member shall conduct himself in a manner nor act in any capacity nor hold any appointment which, in the opinion of the Council, prejudices his position as a Consulting Engineer or as a member of the Association or as a prejudicial to its interests.
- A member practising in a country outside Malawi may order his conduct in such country accordingly to the rules of professional conduct of the code of ethics of national society or body in that country and recognised for this purpose by the Council.
- The following and no other abbreviation may be used by the members to signify their connection with the Association – “M CONS. E. (MWI)”.
The Constitution
The Constitution outlines the Objectives of the organisation, what is expected of members, the structure and powers of the Council and the requirements for meetings, good financial management and issuing of notices.
To view the Constitution download the full document below